Amazon SEO

Amazon SEO: Get Higher Product Rankings on Amazon

Whether you are a seller on Amazon and own a store on this online retail platform, or you work for someone who does, then knowing as much as you can about Amazon SEO will help you boost your online sales and get high product rankings too. This will help you grow your business and customer base so that you can increase your total profits.

However, you need to know how to do it right. In fact, using SEO practices incorrectly can decrease your rankings, and you want to use these techniques to your advantage. So, learning what SEO is and how to do it properly is a big part of the online retail business. 

You might be wondering why Search Engine Optimization has so much to do with Amazon products, but this is something that is directly related and helpful to online shoppers in a way that nothing else has been. Because Amazon is an online retail store, visitors who are on the website are usually already looking for something, and getting them to view your items is the thing that you want to focus on. 

Unlike brick and mortar stores that rely on the look and display of items to grab a shopper’s attention, you already have that online, you want to focus on getting great reviews and having your products show up high on the search when a customer is looking. 

This is where SEO comes in. Check the complete guide to SEO for beginners to learn more details and start ranking higher.

This is also where the A9 algorithm becomes important. If you don’t know what this means, don’t worry, we will discuss it in-depth later on in the article.  

However, this is something that you want to know about so that you can adjust your SEO to get the best search results. If you want to learn more, then keep reading and we will go over everything that you need to know about Amazon SEO and the algorithm that can help you get a higher ranking.

What Is Amazon SEO?

Being in the digital age, you have likely heard of YouTubers, bloggers, and website developers talking about the importance of SEO for all kinds of businesses. For those who don’t know what the term SEO means, it stands for search engine optimization. This is used on all online platforms to be able to rank higher in the search results when a customer types in what they’re looking for. 

SEO focuses on these main things: 

  • keywords; 
  • use of content; 
  • backend searches; 
  • customer ratings.

You can essentially use text to help get your website seen first on the Google search engine so that you are able to get more visits from people looking for your products or services. This is similar to Amazon SEO, but there are some major differences.

Amazon SEO is used specifically for the Amazon website and is used to optimize product listing in order to show up higher on the search results. This is similar to regular SEO as you will use specific keywords to do this, but it is tailored specifically to this website alone. 

This means that you want your title, description, and product listing to all have keywords that will help search find your product so that you get more sales. This also means that you have less to compete with.

Since you are only looking for customers on this site, you don’t have to worry about ranking on Google, which has thousands of websites in every search. You just have to tailor your SEO to fit this website, which is much easier.

How to Do Amazon SEO? 

If you are just getting started trying to figure out how to boost your Amazon SEO, then you will need to go through all of your text and content to ensure that you have what you need. We have talked about most of the main points of SEO for Amazon, so you will need to put these to work. 

Here is what you want to do: 

  • Do the keyword research to find which ones to use in your content; 
  • Optimize your product listings with current keywords; 
  • Optimize your product title; 
  • Keep your product pricing current with the market; 
  • Use product images to boost your sales and use content-driven images; 
  • Use keywords that keep your product description up-to-date and highlight best features; 
  • Make bullet points about what the main benefits of the item are; 
  • Keep your inventory available to customers with an inventory tracker; 
  • Use long tail keywords to create multi-keyword phrases for backend search keywords.

How Does the Amazon Search Algorithm Work?

Like anything else that is built on an online platform, Amazon uses a search algorithm to allow customers to find what they need in their vast inventory of items. This helps them get the best sellers on the first search results to get the best chance of having a customer purchase something, giving them the best overall profits with every purchase.  

However, this program works a bit different from other search algorithms because it focuses on what will likely sell. If a customer begins a search to find a hairstyling tool, they will likely type in something like the best flat iron or cheap curling irons. 

This will be put into the algorithm and the system will show the customer the highest ranked and most reviewed items. This is the best way to get a sale because this is showing the following: 

  • Best products first, which is likely what the customer will be looking for;
  • Who will be willing to pay more to a better product; 
  • What the customer usually likes to buy. 

This is not the best for new sellers though, since they need more reviews, but using good SEO practices in your listings can help you navigate that even when you are just getting started. And because the customers that are on Amazon are already focused on buying, which is why they are on the website in the first place, you can focus your energy on selling your specific product. 

With the use of SEO, you can get your listings higher on the search list and get more customers to look at your products. By doing this, you will be able to get more clicks and sales, which will then boost your organic rankings even more.

What Is Amazon’s A9 Algorithm and How Does It Work?

Amazon’s A9 algorithm is what’s used to determine which results are shown first in the list and in what order the products and web pages will appear to the searcher. This is not as advanced as other search engines like Google, but as mentioned, Amazon doesn’t need it to be. 

They already have the buyers on the website, they just need to be able to find them the products they want to buy. So, this can work in favor of sellers and allow you to do a bit less work. 

But, in order to fully understand the way this algorithm works, you want to know about two main factors. These are the ranking signals that consist of two main parts that you need to know about:

  • A – which is the content and code, or the signals that are on the page;
  • B – the external factors known as the off-page signals.

You can think of the on-page signals as the ones that you have control over, which means all the text and images that you use to show customers why they should buy your specific product. However, the off-page signals are the factors that you don’t have the same control over. 

These factors can include the customer’s product purchasing history as well as the SEO from your competitor’s web pages. If a customer has a history of shopping for high-end products, then having them look at your mid-range option might not be the best thing for Amazon. So, they will still end up showing that customer more high-end items to get a better chance of a sale. 

However, if you fit what that customer is looking for, then this could work in your favor. But this is much more difficult to predict and can be hard to account for. So, think about the external factors as problems that you don’t have complete control over. These are just going to be the factors that you will not always know about. 

Code and Content 

When you are focusing on the code and content, this is what you have control over, you need to think about who you are selling to, who your competition is and what they are doing, and what you want your brand to stand for. 

All of these things will make you a better seller for your customer base, and the more you think about and create a concrete idea of what your business is for, then you will have an easier time selling to specific customers.

This will help you know how to optimize your pages to sell to those customers. For example, you will likely use certain keywords that relate to the sellers you want, which will be specific to your product and not all others like it will have. 

If you are a mid-range product seller, then focus on affordability and durability of your items, which will sell to middle-class buyers and those who want to have better control over their smaller budgets. If you use terms like “premium” or “high-end,” then you could end up turning off some of your buyers since they might think that they are paying for the brand rather than the construction. 

So, think about this before you type out any text on your webpage, and have a strong idea of what your business is, who you’re selling to, and what you are all about. This will help you build consistency among your customers as well as trust that you know what they want. 

External Factors

The external factors are much harder to account for, since you are not able to have control over them as you do your own content. However, if you optimize your products and listings for the customers you want, then this will not be as big of an issue as you think. 

If a customer looks at sellers that have cheaper items, who maybe aren’t focusing on durability, then using the term “long-lasting” won’t get their attention. So, this is something that might make them look at another seller.

However, even for those customers that you lose, you will also have others that are being shown your products because they commonly search for durable options that are in the mid-range pricing. 

So, this algorithm can help you get new customers that want your products, and are ready and willing to buy them as soon as they see them. 


Keywords are what you need to think about when ranking comes into play, but you can also use keywords as a big part of your ranking. Do some keyword research to find out what keywords are being searched for the most. The A9 algorithm will use these keywords to decide which products to show the customer first, and if you have the ones they are looking for, then you will be ranked high on the search results.

However, there is a trend of sellers using keyword stuffing to get as many keywords in their listings as possible. These are easy to spot because they often sacrifice readability for higher keywords numbers.

For example, if you are looking for a cheap frisbee, you could find one option with a title like this: Cheap Inexpensive Frisbee Flying Toy Outdoor Toys Large Frisbee Low-Cost. This title doesn’t tell you much about the brand of the frisbee itself, it simply uses multiple keywords to create a higher ranking for more sales.

This can turn customers away because it doesn’t even bother mentioning the brand or model of the item. So, although you want to make sure to use relevant keywords, you should also ensure that you aren’t stuffing your content full of them and making the text hard to read. 

For the proper keyword research, you can use paid and free keyword research tools for Amazon that will allow you to do this easily and faster.

Once you find out which keywords are the most relevant to your product, and are the most popular, then you can put them into your content in a natural way to help customers find your product. 

However, you also don’t want to use SEO by doing the following things: 

Keyword Stuffing 

  • Overuse of main keyword without secondary keywords;
  • Writing content that isn’t useful;
  • Amazon SEO Strategy.

When you are selling items on Amazon, you want to have a strong SEO strategy in place to ensure that you are getting ranked in the top percentile. This can be done by ensuring that your keywords are relevant, current, and that your on-page optimization is strong.

Optimize Your Amazon Product Listings for Higher Ranking

If you want to have a higher ranking on Amazon when customers search for items that you sell, you need to optimize your webpage so that your products show up higher than others. To do this, you need to use Amazon’s SEO practices to be visible in customer search results. Amazon uses a lot of similar SEO ranking factors as Google.

To optimize your webpage to ensure that your product pages come up high in the searches, you need to use the following tactics: 

  • Keyword in product title;
  • Proper keyword research; 
  • Reasonable pricing; 
  • Optimized images; 
  • Keyword in product description; 
  • Useful bullet points.

Amazon Product Title

You have to start your content from the very beginning, which means that you will start with the title. This is one place where a single keyword or two will work, but not more. 

As we talked about a little bit before, you don’t want to stuff your title full of keywords that don’t tell the customer the brand name, style, or model. A customer wants to know that you are interested in giving them what they’re searching for. 

You can do this by finding the most relevant keyword for the product page and using that one in the title. For example, if you are selling a mid-level blender at an affordable price, then using the keyword affordable blender will be appropriate.

However, you will not want that to be your entire title. Instead, use the name brand and model with the keyword attached to it. Like this: Manufacturer’s Blender with Stainless-Steel, Model 123 Affordable Blender Option. 

This contains the name brand, seen as Manufacturer’s Blender, with a single feature, and the model type with the keyword. This has everything you want but is concise and easily readable, and it stays under 200 characters, which is the suggested length. 

Also, because many people now use their smartphones to purchase things on Amazon, you want to keep things short and sweet, so they still look good on a mobile device.

Amazon Keyword Research for Product Keywords

First, you will want to do the keyword research that we just mentioned. This will allow you to find the best keywords to use in your content to get higher rankings and to attract the customers that you want. 

If you are looking for keywords with the term blender in it, then you can search for what people search for when using this word. A few variations of the keyword might be: 

  • best blender;
  • cheap blender;
  • durable blender.

So, when you are creating your listing, you can include these keywords in the text so that customers who are looking for a new blender find the one you are selling. However, you want to only use keywords that are relevant to your item. 

For example, if you are not selling a high-end item, then you don’t want to use premium blender as one of your keywords. This is misleading to your customers and could cause you to get a negative review if that is what they are expecting from an inexpensive model. 

Amazon Product Price

When it comes to the pricing of certain items, things can vary a lot on Amazon. You will sometimes see items that are only a few dollars, but they cost three times as much to ship. You can also see options that cost more for the product, but they come with free shipping. 

This can make it seem like product prices are much more complicated than they really are. This also makes it hard to know what the average price of a product should be. However, you will want to do a few things before you decide to put a certain price on your item.

So, how do you figure out the price you should sell your products for? Do you opt for a higher price that will allow for free shipping, or do you try to keep the price low, but get a high shipping price for the low-cost item? 

Well, one of the best ways to do this is to check out the current offering on the platform of similar items. If you see other options that are similar selling for $45, then this is the average price point that you will want to stick to.

If you want to be just under that number to attract more customers, but still make good money, then you are able to do this. However, you want to ensure that you are looking at the right competitors and not just any seller online. 

If you have a kitchen appliance that is a low-cost option, then attempting to sell it for a higher price by using premium features as a selling point will only get you in trouble. You need to be truthful, or else customers will be able to sniff you out and write negative reviews that show you as a fake. 

So, ensure that you do the research to see what the product is worth, and what you are able to sell it for. If you have a good price that fits with what your competitors are selling for, but you offer a product that the customer likes more, then they will purchase the item you sell. 

Amazon Product Images

It might be a surprise to some people that images now come with ways to use SEO best practices. This doesn’t seem to make sense right away, since images aren’t text, but this can be done. 

But, let’s start by discussing the needs of an Amazon image before optimization so you know what to look for when you first start. 

Well, first, you want to make sure that you have a clear photo of the item you are selling.

No one wants to see a blurry photo that you took of a blender that is sitting on your dirty kitchen counter, so make sure that you have a clear and professional-looking image. But you also want to make sure that the file is one of the following: 

  • PNG;
  • JPEG;
  • TIFF;
  • GIF. 

Next, you want to ensure that you have included the product identifier in the file name of the image. This is usually the ISBN number that is 13 digits long. 

These photos don’t need to be professional, but they should be simple and well-done.

You will also want to make sure that the image can be seen clearly on a mobile screen so that you don’t miss out on customers who shop on their smartphones. A plain background, preferably white, with the product front and center tends to be the best option, so don’t try to get too complicated with it. 

The image below is simple, but it gives the customer the best view of the item. This will likely sell better than options that add too much to the background.

All right, now let’s get into the optimization of your image.

The first thing that you want to think about is the ability for customers to zoom in on the image. This will work if you make sure to have an image that is 1280 pixels wide.

This means that customers on laptops or smartphones can take a closer look at the item to see if they want to buy it. Customers have become accustomed to this, and if you don’t have an image that zooms in, it could turn off a buyer. 

Some images won’t allow you to do this, and the seller will give you close-up images of the product to make up for this. However, you want to keep up with the times, which means that you will want to update your images with zoom-in options. 

You will also want to include some benefit-driven images, which are images that include text that highlight certain features of the product. These look like advertisements but don’t include anything but the features or functions of the item. 

These types of images give a customer more information while they are looking at it so that they don’t just skip past it, and it also gives them text to read without feeling like they are reading a large amount at a time.

These can have multiple features being pointed out in a single image, or you can have multiple photos that each work to sell one particular feature. This will give customers a closer look at what the item can do, and it does some of the selling for you.

Amazon Product Description

When selling on Amazon, one of the most used SEO strategies is to optimize the product description. Every single seller on this platform, even those who don’t have much experience with SEO practices, will know to put keywords in their product description. 

This is a relatively simple task that doesn’t take too much time or effort, but it can feel a bit unneeded because you might even find yourself skipping by descriptions of other sellers when you are doing your own shopping online. 

This is the seemingly worst part of the text because most customers will skim right over it, since it is usually just a bland description of what they already know the product is. However, with the use of Enhanced Brand Content Optimization, you can tell your story while talking about your products and get more customers on your side.

To do this, you want to use images, especially benefit-driven images to give a better-looking description. You can also add something about your business and the story behind why you started it.  

This is attention-grabbing and also tells a bit about why you started the business, how you got started, and what the business means to you. This can be a bit more personal to you and your family, but you do want to make sure that you stay on topic and keep the business as the main point of the text. 

Just discuss a bit about what the business means and what you want the brand to mean to your customers. This will allow them to have a bit of insight into your business and mission. 

Many younger customers are fans of knowing who they are giving their money to, and telling your personal story about how the brand got started will reach those customers in a way that nothing else can. 

You also want to take this time to take a more in-depth look at the best features of the product and what they can do for your customer. You really want to focus on what problem this will solve for buyers, which will keep their attention more than just rattling off functions without explaining them. 

Also, you need to take the time to figure out what type of questions that your customer might have about the product and answer them here. This will allow customers to have all the information to make a purchase decision faster, which could help your sales happen at a faster rate. 

Some basic question to answer is: 

  • What is the product good for?
  • What can the item do for the customer? 
  • What problem does the item solve?

It would also be a good idea to add some information about how this product stacks up against its competitors. Is it faster, cheaper, higher-end? 

Either way, give that information to the customer and allow them to see what you have to offer. Also, include any money-back guarantees at the end as well.

Amazon Product Features in Bullet Points

Not only is it important to have bullet points in your Amazon content, but you want to make sure that your bullets are helping you and not hurting you. These points might seem like a small factor, but the fact is that many customers read through these more than other text-heavy areas of the page. 

So, not only can you learn to sell your product by properly using these bullet points, but you can use lots of keywords in this section to boost your SEO as well. But what makes bullet points good?

Well, if you are aiming for a selling point to change your customer’s mind about purchasing your product, then you want to show the best features of the item. You can say what the feature is called and this will make a difference once they see how the product can benefit them. 

You don’t want to bombard your customers with a ton of long bullet points, so get the most out of each one to ensure that you don’t have too many. Just have enough to talk about each of the main points of the product, and you will be good. 

You can also take the time to use comparisons to other products and brands on the market to show why your item is the better option. Don’t forget to use a keyword that will improve your SEO optimization through the content naturally, so you don’t ruin the readability of the text. 

You should also add a point about the reliability of your business and why you are the best option to buy from. This can be a guarantee for purchase, or you can show statistics about how few of your customers are unhappy with their purchase.

This will build some rapport with a new customer even if they have yet to get to know your company, and will get them to trust your content. If you are overselling, however, they will know. 

So, be as natural and honest as possible by just stating the best parts of the product. If there is a caveat, you can mention it and offer a solution to the issue if there is one. 

If the issue is not a dealbreaker, you will likely still have a large number of customers purchasing the product since they know what to expect. 

This can also keep your customer reviews positive since they knew exactly what they were getting and were told the truth from the start. This can also help build and maintain your credibility on the website as well. 

Another thing to add, if this applies, is a tutorial or video on how to use the product. This will not be needed for all items, but for the home improvement and DIY project items, this could be useful. 

To recap, keep these things in mind when writing out your bullet points: 

  • Talk about the best features of the product;
  • Compare your item to competitor’s items; 
  • Discuss the main benefits of use;
  • Use multiple keywords naturally; 
  • Build rapport and trust with customers; 
  • Be honest about small issues and how to solve them;
  • Add a video or tutorial, if applicable. 

Keep these things in mind when you are writing out your bullet points and you will see the number of customers growing. 

Product Stock Availability

When you are selling items online, it could seem like keeping track of inventory can be more difficult than in a physical store. This is because many sellers purchase large orders from manufacturers and then sell them online. 

This means that their inventory can be hard to track on their own, and could make keeping track of inventory as it sells. 

It is important to keep track of your inventory so customers are not spending money on items that they won’t get within a reasonable time. However, with options like Amazon Seller Central which is a top choice for inventory control for Amazon sellers, you can keep your inventory in stock. 

This program, among many others, will allow you to see how many items you have, how many have been bought, and when you need to reorder items so that you don’t sell out. 

This will let you show your customers when you have items in stock so they can get it right away, and when they can purchase an item that they will have to wait to get it sent to them. 

Having products in stock on Amazon can now even show your customers how many you have left in stock so they know that they need to make a quick decision to purchase one before you run out. This can help you keep track of your items and inform potential customers that you are out of stock and when new products will become available for purchase. 

This is a huge factor when it comes to online purchasing because it is often done quickly, and if you are out of stock, many customers will choose to get a similar item from another seller so they get the product sooner. 

If you tend to be out of stock fairly often, then you are losing out on multiple potential sales. So, finding a system that allows you to keep track of all your inventory will help you keep up with fast orders and high demand items so you don’t sell out too quickly.

This will eventually lead you to have more items for sale and be able to sell more than your competitors if you have the item that they run out of. So, being able to show your customers when the item will be back in stock, or if you have more left will only help your profits. 

Product’s Backend Search Keywords

When you have an Amazon store, you will not only have to focus on the keywords that are in your text and content on your webpage, but also the backend search keywords. This is not formatted the same as the on-page keywords, and instead is a long list of keywords that can’t be seen by the buyer. 

This list of keywords is made to help searchers find the products they need by having the seller add the keywords associated with the product to a hidden term search that allows that page to be visible to customers searching with those terms.

This space only gives you 250 characters to work with, so you don’t just want to fill it with every version of your main keyword. This can make your page a bit harder to find. 

Instead, you will want to focus on using more long tail keywords that also incorporate another keyword into the phrase. For example, when you are trying to sell a soy candle, you will want to add keywords like soy, candle, and long-burning

However, adding all these together into one longtail keyword will work better for you. Instead, you could use a long-burning soy candle. 

This gives you three different keywords that are relevant to your item and give a good description of what a customer might be looking for. And, though this is not seen by your customers, it will make a difference in your SEO optimization since you will be more visible to new customers. 

Product Reviews and Ratings

Another thing that will affect your product rankings is the rating that your reviewers give you. If you are selling items that are described incorrectly or that aren’t what the image on the screen shows, then you could be making enemies that have the power to lower your ranking. 

Being honest with your customers is the best thing to do, but when you aren’t, or they aren’t happy then you will get a negative review. Sometimes these are warranted, but sometimes there are some reviews that mention other issues that are not the fault of Amazon or its sellers. 

However, when the negative reviews become a normal thing, then Amazon’s algorithm will pick up on it. This could get your search result ranking pushed to the bottom of the heap, which will make you much harder to find. 

Once you reach the first few pages of products, the likelihood of your product being bought is lowered significantly. Plus, those customers who do find your items will see that there are many negative reviews about the product and will likely move on to another with better customer ratings. 

These ratings and reviews can hurt your business, and if you don’t get positive reviews from your customers, then you do not have a good chance of making a profit. 

However, for those who have positive reviews from only a few customers, you want to encourage your previous buyers to leave one to improve your rating as you grow. This is typically done by sending a message to the buyer and asking for them to leave an honest review of how they feel about the product. 

An example of how to do this is the template below, which offers the best way to ask a customer to leave an honest review of your products:

If you ask many of your customers this, then you will be able to get a higher number or reviews on your webpage. This can boost your rankings as well, because it shows that customers trust your products and will likely buy from you again. 

Just remember these things when you send a customer a message: 

  • Be polite to your previous customers; 
  • Keep things professional; 
  • Ask for honesty to see what they really think; 
  • Have a link to the reviews on Amazon; 
  • Always thank them at the end. 

Though this can be good if everything goes well, there are also times when something goes wrong. Most customers understand this and reach out to you, or leave a negative review, in hopes of fixing the problem. 

So, you don’t just want to leave the reviews there, you want to respond to them as well. If a customer had a bad experience, you can leave a comment and reach out to help remedy the issue. 

Once that is done, you can then ask the customer to update their review to let others know that you get in touch with them to fix the problem. Even with a negative review at first, as long as you work with your buyers to get them what they want, you can turn a negative into a positive. 

This shows others that you are responsive and that you care about your customers. If others see that along with many positive reviews, then your rankings can be pushed up since you have proven to be a reputable seller. 

Amazon works to keep unreputable sellers off the platform, but it can take some time to weed them out. However, this will be one way to get them off the site, and to reward sellers who are abiding by good business practices and providing support for their customers even after they receive their product.

Use FBA For Your Products

If you are thinking about starting a business on Amazon, but don’t know where to store your inventory, you can choose to use FBA. This term stands for Fulfillment By Amazon, which means that they handle the storing and shipping of products. 

This is a great option for sellers to use because they gain access to Amazon’s fast shipping services and their Amazon Prime customers will be a part of your audience.

With Prime members spending more a year than the average buyer, this audience is a great way to grow your business. Allowing you to have access to these customers makes it easier for you to grow and sell more products on this platform than you would be able to without it. 

To make the process simpler, this is what happens when you use FBA: 

  • You send all of your products to Amazon;
  • Amazon then offers to store them in one of their many warehouses; 
  • Once you get an order from a customer, Amazon will cover all the work from locating the product, shipping it out, and allowing you and the customer to track the package as it ships; 
  • Amazon will also cover any returned items and refunds. 

So, though this sounds like a sweet deal, this is not done for free. Amazon charges fees for both the storage of items and the fulfillment of the products. 

However, when you look at what you get at the price that you pay, you end up with the best shipping and fulfillment team that will ensure that your customers get what they pay for. This is a huge draw for many sellers to use this FBA system since it simplifies what they have to do. 

With Amazon doing so much of the shipping and fulfillment work, what is it that you do? Well, here are the things that you still be in charge of when you use FBA: 

  • Deciding which products you want to sell;
  • Ensuring that your items are available and in stock;
  • All advertisements or marketing of your items. 

If you tend to sell items that come from a well-known brand name, then you may not need to do much advertising, but you will if you are selling your own hand-made products. So, if you need to, get your marketing ideas together because Amazon does not handle that area. 

If this is something that you like the sound of, then you are able to sign up for this FBA system and get your Amazon products selling faster than ever. 


This is a lot of information to give you at once, but all of this is important to know and learn about if you want to sell products on Amazon and make a good profit. Whether you are wanting to sell high-end, brand-name products that you believe will sell themselves or you are hoping to create and sell your own artisan-made items, you can do so with the help of Amazon SEO. 

Your products have a specific audience and you want to allow them to see what you are selling, but you can’t expect them to search through web page after webpage to find your store when you are not easily visible. So, boosting your Amazon SEO optimization can make yourself more visible to those who want to buy your items and get you better search result rankings. 

With the help of keyword use, using the best product and benefit-driven images, and having an optimized title and description you can increase your rankings in the search results and get your online store seen by even more potential customers. This can boost your profits and make you available to many more customers who have been looking for the items you’re selling. 

As long as you keep your SEO plan current and continue to learn more about the A9 algorithm as it changes, you can stay visible to your customers and keep your products selling faster than ever before.

After reading through all this information, you might still have some questions. Well, to get the simplest answers for what you are looking for, we have gathered some of the most commonly asked questions and provided condensed answers for you to take a look at.  

How to Boost Amazon SEO?

If you are looking to try to boost your current SEO you will want to take a look at the keywords that you are using. Make sure that they are current and that your descriptions and title all abide by the newer Amazon guidelines. 

Keeping up with the changes is one of the most challenging things about changing SEO trends, but going through your text and making sure you are no longer keyword stuffing or using outdated practices will help you boost your SEO. 

You will also want to ensure that all the text on your page is helpful to your customers and not just overdone with keywords. This will actually hurt your ranking as the algorithm is changed, which could make your ranking lower and your Amazon shop harder for customers to find. 

How to Optimize Keywords on Amazon?

In order to optimize the keywords on Amazon, you need to do keyword research on the product that you are selling. This will let you know the most popular and common keywords that are searched for, which is what you will want to use in your content. 

Even if you have done keyword research for these terms in the past, it is best to continue to do so in case there are changes in the search trends. This will keep your keywords the most current and ensure that you have the highest visibility to your customers. And, when it comes to backend search keywords, you want to use longtail options that combine more than one keyword.

Where to Place Your Main Keywords?

When you are creating content for your Amazon page, you want to place your main keyword in the title, which will be seen first. You can use this keyword in other places, but you want it in the beginning of your text rather than at the end.

In the example above, you will use your main keyword in the blue highlighted area. This will ensure that your keyword is early in the title and not too far along in the text. This is what you’ll aim for. 

You will also want to put your main keyword in other areas of the text, like the product description. This is where you want to put the most amount of text and information for your customers to read, but you don’t want to keyword stuff the text. 

So, use the main keyword and other variations a few times throughout the content naturally, without going overboard. This is true for the title as well, so just use it once or twice as organically as possible without overdoing it. 

The bullet points that you have on your webpage for your products should also contain your main keyword. Since this is the area of text where you will go into the most detail about the best parts of the product, you should be able to do this naturally without issue. 

You may even be able to put the main keyword in more than once, but you don’t want to sacrifice the way that a customer reads it, which might make them go to another page. 

So, fit it in where you can do so naturally, but don’t focus on putting it in multiple times throughout the webpage.

Should You Repeat Your Keywords to Rank Higher for Them?

Although you will repeat your keywords when it comes naturally, you do not want to repeat your keywords too often. This is known as keyword stuffing, which makes the text difficult to read and affects the meaning of the information that you are giving your customers. 

The total number of keywords used should only be a few percent of the entire content and should not be overused. However, when you do use the keyword naturally, then you will tend to repeat it often enough to not have to think about it. 

Just make sure that you have your keywords too much throughout the text that you feel like you are repeating them when you read it. If you are, then find another way to say it. 

Plus, repeating keywords by stuffing them into the content can actually hurt your ranking in some cases. Amazon is cracking down on useless information that doesn’t help the customer, and keyword stuffing is one of those issues. 

So, if you don’t want to deal with having your ranking suffer, then keep it to a minimum.

How Do Amazon Reviews Influence Your Ranking?

The reviews that customers leave on your Amazon store will affect your overall ranking because this will show that you are an unreliable seller. If you have a large number of negative reviews, then this is a trend that a seller is not taking care of their customers, which is the focus of the business.

New customers who see your number of negative reviews will likely not trust you as a seller and will skip to another listing. This will hurt your business and will lower your ranking. 

Amazon doesn’t want sellers on the platform that will make them look unreliable, and this will affect them. So, they will begin to lower your ranking to make it harder for you to get customers until you begin to give better customer service and are honest about the products you sell. 

However, if you are a reliable seller that offers responsive customer service to your buyers, you will see your ranking increase. This shows customers that you are one of the top sellers to buy from since you take care of your buyers and want them to be satisfied.

Show interest in what your negative reviews say, try to remedy the issue, and keep your rank climbing. 

How to Increase Your Number of Amazon Reviews?

Not all of your customers will leave a review when they buy a product, but this is an important thing for a seller to get. So, one way to increase that number is to send a message to recent buyers asking you to review the product and service. 

This will show them that you care about their opinion and are willing to reach out to them, but it also reminds them that they can leave a review. If they hadn’t thought about it before, they might rethink it and leave a positive review for your business. 

This will help you rise in the rankings and show your customers that you want to hear their input. So, this helps recent buyers and potential customers at the same time, which can make more repeat customers for your future.

How to Increase Your Product Rating?

If you have products that are not getting high ratings, then you might have to think about switching out that specific product with another. The item that is getting negative views might not be the best option for that type of product, and you should try to swap out that item with another that is more durable. 

There will always be some negative reviews and ratings, but if this is not a trend, then you should not make any major decisions about the item. However, if a trend forms, then this is a sign that the product you chose to sell is not up to par. 

If you decide to get rid of that product and put another one in its place that you have determined to be a better choice, then this can boost your ratings by just having a better product for your customers to purchase. 

You don’t want to have products that break easily, aren’t easy to clean, or are difficult to install or put together. So, if there are negative comments about any of these issues that continue to be written, then it might be time to get another option for your customers and your business’ sake.

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